Critical Illness

Make sure you have critical illness coverage

A serious illness can bring unexpected financial challenges, but critical illness insurance helps bridge the gap. At Maichel Retirement Solutions, we provide expert guidance in Abilene, TX to help you find the right coverage for your needs. Our team will walk you through your options so you’re prepared for whatever comes your way. 

Interested in cancer insurance? Contact us today to explore your coverage options.

A nurse is holding the hand of a patient in a hospital bed.

Protecting you against unforeseen struggles

With changing health insurance benefits, many families face unexpected financial challenges during a serious illness. Critical illness insurance provides a financial safety net, giving you the flexibility to use your benefits for: 

  • Medical bills and expenses
  • Mortgage and living costs
  • Experimental treatments not covered by regular insurance

Cancer insurance is just one of the many critical illness coverage options we offer. Contact Maichel Retirement Solutions today to explore your options and find the right plan for your needs.

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